
53 Week Rent Year

53 Week Rent Year

What is a 53 Week Rent Year? This is a leap year which means that in 2024/5 there will be 53 Mondays. It is a quirk of our calendar system that every 5-6 years there is a year with 53 Mondays. For those who pay their rent weekly, that means they have to pay an extra...

Eviction Threats and Rent Affordability Insight

Eviction Threats and Rent Affordability Insight

During recent times, there has been local and national coverage in relation to no fault evictions for tenants of private landlords. In addition to this, Citizens Advice Knowsley have noted trends with clients present to us regarding threats of eviction. During...

Cost of Living Report

Cost of Living Report

Summary Heating or eating: What does the cost of living crisis means for residents living in Knowsley? • 75% of people told us they felt financially worse off currently compared to 12 months ago• 45% of people told us they were considering reducing or stopping...

Health and Wellbeing Report

Health and Wellbeing Report

We have been conducting research on whether the advice we give has an impact on the health and wellbeing of our clients. Measuring the impact of advice on client health and wellbeing Download Why are we researching health and...

80 Year Anniversary Event and Liverpool City Region Report Launch

80 Year Anniversary Event and Liverpool City Region Report Launch

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the opening of the first Citizens Advice. To celebrate this anniversary Citizens Advice has teamed up with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to produce the “Communities and Growth” publication, a report which details...

Cost of Living Report

New Partnership with Enterprise Hub

Citizens Advice Knowsley have entered a new partnership with Enterprise Hub, the enterprise gateway for business start-up support in Merseyside. What is Enterprise Hub? Enterprise Hub offers expert advice and support to local residents who are thinking of starting a...

80 Year Anniversary Event and Liverpool City Region Report Launch

Meet Our New Outreach General Adviser

We’re pleased to introduce our brand new Outreach General Adviser, Sharon Fender. Sharon Sharon joined Citizens Advice Knowsley as a volunteer in October 2016. In June 2017 she became a Financial Capability Worker (Money Buddy) and supported our clients with money...

Research on Mental Health and Benefits

Research on Mental Health and Benefits

Why are we doing this research? Within Knowsley, the percentage of unemployed and economically inactive residents is greater than that of the general Great British population. Of particular note, almost 40% of Knowsley residents are classed as long-term sick, and many...